Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Another Ride

Mrs Ntckfit and I went for a 10 mile bike ride the other day.  Feel fine. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Road Bike RIde

Went for a 13.78 mile road ride today.  Used the Gymboss timer and did one minute intervals of up of 85% of max HR then one minute rest.  Feel good.  Foot is fine. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Another Day

Well now, my bursitis is still there in the elbow, but the inflammation is gone.  On Friday I see the foot doctor again - and hopefully - I'll be given the all clear to get rid of this boot.  What a lame summer.  I has such great hopes to get in shape.  And I feel that I have not done as I should.  Hmm

About to start up for the year now.  Time for some work.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can I Get a Break?

Well, now I have Olecrenon Bursitis.  Inflamed bursa of the elbow.  Gah.  As it turns out, last Wednesday Mrs. Ntckfit noticed my elbow was red and warm.  By the next day, it was hot and a lot warmer.  By the time my mom in law came by, it was red in a larger area.  I went to the ER and sure enough, just as my mom in law said (she was a Dr. for 40 years), Bursitis.   

So now its wait again.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 3, 2011 Road Ride to the BIke Shop

Well, the ride went well.  I had to go pick up some CO2 cartridges for the ole tubes.   The total time was 54 minutes which includes my stretching bit.  Next time, Ill keep it to the ride only. 

Ride:                        10.69 Miles
Calories Burned:       641
Cals. of Fat Burned:  13% or 83.33

Time to eat and drink a recovery drink too.  Good Times!

Getting older and working out

OK, in nine days Ill be 49 years old.  Holy crap.  I met up with an old friend from back in NYC when were in our late twenties - she too felt like we haven't aged yet - It's weired that way.  Now, when you look at how the body reacts to working out, I am not in my twenties anymore, clearly.

One of the things that I have to continue to do is stretch. And stretch.  The muscles as one ages tend to loose elasticity.  So, to mitigate that, a routine of stretching and yoga works.  Truth be told is that yoga is not my favorite.  Nonetheless ......  

That makes me think that I have to call my physical therapy office.   Later,

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August 1st Hmmm

It 's interesting to me that I started this summer with high hopes of getting back in shape.  Then the frickin foot came into play.  The thing that is true is that I used the foot as a way not to work out - in part because I wanted to stay off it - in another because I should have stayed off it.  Now, the lack of workouts are a matter of course - in that I have fallen into a rut on the side of the path towards being fit once more.

That being said, I'm going to work out.


OK.  Brokeout the TRX and the 15 and 30# kettlebells. Here's the circuit:

TRX Deltoid pulls
TRX Push ups
TRX One arm rows
TRX Roll outs (core)
30# Kettlebell swing
15# Kettlebell Turkish Get Ups

Four rounds of the circuit.  15 Reps TRX and 10 Reps for Kettlebells
Total Time 32 mins
Cals out:   440 approx.

Need more water and recovery drink.  The temperature outside is hovering in the mid 80s or so.  I can tell for sure that my "wind" is not at all what it used to be.  The foot dr gave me the ok road bike - tomorrow in the am before the heat. 

Truth is is that I like the feeling right now after a good workout.  It's weird in a way that your mind (mine at least) plays with you, you know?  You know what you should do, but for whatever rationalization you come up with, you decide not to.  And there it is.  Fitness, diet, and general health comes down, in some ways not all, to decisions we make - our choices. Do munch down on the bacon because bacon is good, or do I try out turkey bacon?  Do I eat 4 slices of pizza, or do I have one.  What about that soda?  How about a some water instead.

Have to say, that the Paleo diet idea came and went.  I have to get more sustainable meals to buy in whole heartedly.
