Showing posts with label intervals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intervals. Show all posts

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day One

I've decided to post what I'm doing to get healthy and to be consistent about it.  I look at the heading of the blog and feel that its as true today as it was when I wrote it: diet, working out, consistency, and determination.  The reality is that I have allowed other things to get in front of what is important - my health.  And that is not the way I want to live.  The fact that I've lived in a state of stress for too long (long story) has something to do with the falling off the cliff of fitness.  But that, in a way, is an excuse. So be it, I'm on the path again and feel good about it. 

I went for another mountain bike ride today.  33 minutes in the heat and humidity - nice workout.   Mrs. Ntckfit wants to do laps in the local pond here later.  Sounds good. 


Today: 181.6 BF%:   24 43.58 lbs. fat
Goal:   167.0 BF%:   18 30.06 lbs. fat

Goal calorie intake: 2400
Goal water intake: 72 ozs.
Goal Calorie Deficit: 500 - 600

This is the plan for the remainder of the year:

Cycle One: (3 Months)

P90X  -      Weight Resistance: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
                   Cardio (HIIT, mountain and road biking, swimming laps, chasing Mrs. Ntckfit) Tuesday,
                   Thursday, and Saturday  (Not doing the program's cardio bits)

Cycle Two: (2 Months)

P90X/Insanity Hybrid       Cardio and Weight Resistance as Above

Cycle Three: (2 Months)  Cardio and Weight Resistance as Above

Kettle Bells, TRX, WODs, Tabata fun

One of the things that I have in the quiver of programs is the Hollywood Physique.  It's a program that focuses on developing specific muscles that create the definitive Hollywood body - think Brad Pitt in Fight Club.  Now, I like the program for its focus on the creating of the body type, yes I'm vain, but the diet is wacked.  Eggs and more eggs ..... then more eggs.   I can appreciate that the protein is natural, that the focus on fats (animals?) is what they are after too .... but the diet is not for me.  I'll take parts of it and run with the things that I find helpful.  I like one of the things that they focus: slowing down and focusing on every single rep to the point you are totally wiped out at the end of the workout.

Ok, enough said for today.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Week Two in the Walking Boot

Right.  Second week in the boot.  The foot doesn't hurt like it did last week, but I can still feel it.

I ordered a GymBoss interval timer so that I can begin to mix up some functional fitness workouts into the program when the foot heals.  The program will look something like this:

Monday          AM  P90X      PM Mountain Bike or Rollerblade
Tuesday          AM  Insanity    PM Hills Road Bike
Wednesday     AM  P90X      PM Mountain Bike or Rollerblade
Thursday         AM  Insanity    PM Intervals Road Bike
Friday             AM  P90X       PM Mountain Bike or Rollerblade

Now, doubles will be intense.  On days of Insanity, I can burn between 500-950 calories.  Add on top of that 500 or so riding the mountain bike.  I'll have to watch what I eat.

Last year I worked with a nutritionist who looked at my diet and what I was doing at the time for workouts. At that time, I was 167 lbs. or so.  He told me that 2900 cals would be what I should shoot for, then with the calorie deficit to lose the stomach ring, a 500 cal deficit.  So, then I was shooting for 2400 cals.  The breakout in terms of percentages was 45% carbs., 35% protein, and 30% fat.

The more I think about it, following this plan along with P90X and Insanity, I was loosing about 1% body fat a month - which really is not that much - or is it?  Hmm.

I finished the Advocare cleanse and the 24 day challenge.  No change in body weight or fat %.  Interesting.  I was reading about the contents of some of the product.  Odd things about ephedrine and reformulated sugar with a new name.  I have to look into that.  Suffice to say, I may go back to Beachbody products - as I know that they work. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day Nine- Kettlebells and Interval Run

And its raining.  I'm sitting here on the couch and getting ready to change into my workout gear - nifty wicking shirt, compression things, sneaks, Saucony hat, oh, and shorts n socks. Gripping stuff, I know.  My dog is staring out the window waiting to be fed.  So, I decided to post prior to the work out - and here it is.  Man, this is a very gripping post.  Hmm 

I ate clean as a whistle today and drank a ton of water.  I'm on day for of an Advocare cleanse and it's working out.  I haven't noticed too much of a change.  But something is up.  More energy maybe?  Hmm.

Mrs. ntckfit (thanks Ryan) found the tickets to Elvis Costello - we're going to see him Friday in Boston.  She'd lost them in the cyber world of her online email accounts. But, alas, with guidance from afar - ticket agent - they were located. Yes.

Off to swing and run.

Right.  Starting over workout.  Gah.  Let's see, the intervals were great - 90% max for about 15 total mins. Then KB swings.  I went with the 30 lb KB.  Fine.  Out of shape.  Given.  Turkish Get Ups - used a boot for form for the first set then went to 15 lb KB.  I was running out the last interval and I tweaked my calve.  The one I tore about three years ago.   A strain and little pain.  Time to stretch.

Meal 1 - Advocare Meal Replacement Shake

Meal 2 - Two hard boiled eggs and almonds

Meal 3 - Grilled chicken and mesculan salad, walnuts, avocado, and blue cheese.

Meal 4 - Apple, hard boiled egg - a bit apart - and some almonds

Meal 5 - Avocado salad with shrimp, and some sort of sushi - haven't headed out to dinner yet.