Showing posts with label cleanse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cleanse. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day Nine- Kettlebells and Interval Run

And its raining.  I'm sitting here on the couch and getting ready to change into my workout gear - nifty wicking shirt, compression things, sneaks, Saucony hat, oh, and shorts n socks. Gripping stuff, I know.  My dog is staring out the window waiting to be fed.  So, I decided to post prior to the work out - and here it is.  Man, this is a very gripping post.  Hmm 

I ate clean as a whistle today and drank a ton of water.  I'm on day for of an Advocare cleanse and it's working out.  I haven't noticed too much of a change.  But something is up.  More energy maybe?  Hmm.

Mrs. ntckfit (thanks Ryan) found the tickets to Elvis Costello - we're going to see him Friday in Boston.  She'd lost them in the cyber world of her online email accounts. But, alas, with guidance from afar - ticket agent - they were located. Yes.

Off to swing and run.

Right.  Starting over workout.  Gah.  Let's see, the intervals were great - 90% max for about 15 total mins. Then KB swings.  I went with the 30 lb KB.  Fine.  Out of shape.  Given.  Turkish Get Ups - used a boot for form for the first set then went to 15 lb KB.  I was running out the last interval and I tweaked my calve.  The one I tore about three years ago.   A strain and little pain.  Time to stretch.

Meal 1 - Advocare Meal Replacement Shake

Meal 2 - Two hard boiled eggs and almonds

Meal 3 - Grilled chicken and mesculan salad, walnuts, avocado, and blue cheese.

Meal 4 - Apple, hard boiled egg - a bit apart - and some almonds

Meal 5 - Avocado salad with shrimp, and some sort of sushi - haven't headed out to dinner yet.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Shopping Day

Right. Went shopping with a list that I took from The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf.  What did I get, let's see: Strawberries, cantaloupe, avocados, bell peppers, steak tip meat, ground turkey, carrot sticks, onions, sweet potatoes, and baby spinach.   Here's a video about the diet.

With what I have in the fridge now, its looking good for a good week of eating.   I mentioned the Advocare cleanse in the post below.  A co-worker put me on to Advocare and it looks like a great product. I'm suspect of products that are out there, but in in a healthy way.  I've seen what P90X and Insanity did for me.  Now it's a "wait and see" with this upcoming Advocare cleanse.

Went to to a local diner for breakfast and logged into mobile.  The Fitday journal, logging into Beachbody for the workouts, and this blog all keep me honest.

I'm looking into TRX right now too. 

Time to cook some meat.
