Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day Six - Back and Chest

Right.  Day six of P90X.

Just finished the weight resistance part of this morning.  About to start Ab Ripper X.   Truth is that Im the edge of bagging ABX - but will not. 

This is the third time I've done the program.  But its starting all over again.  Current weight - 181.8 lbs. at 24% body fat. In a month or so, I'm going to work in some Insanity cardio workouts.  Both programs are Beachbody products.

This week I go shopping for food that follows the Primal Diet.  That should be interesting.  I'm going to fire up the account to log my food.   I know what I need to eat, when it comes to total calories and fat, protein, and carbs percentages.  So, after shopping, log it, I start an Advocare cleanse.


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