Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day Three - Shoulders and Arms

Done.  Right, this is my favorite workout of this program.  Feel good.  I was going to workout yesterday in the am and the alarm didn't go off.  Hmm. Subconscious mind at work? Hmm.

I was reading about functional fitness.  Looks good.  The workouts that really workout your whole body are intense in a different way, rather than the isolated weight excercise workouts.  Like flipping a huge tire, or swinging a sledgehammer.  Crossfit takes functional fitness to a new level.  There's a new gym that opened up that is works this angle to.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day Two - Morning Run

Went out for a short run, interval style, and came back and jumped rope.  Have to say that I was sucking air big time.  Time will change that.

I keep in mind that I was worse off than I am now two years ago, when I started P90X for the first time.  But any way you slice it, getting back in shape is a bear.  Most likely its the start up that causes so many out of shape people to just bag it and grab a donut.   I know that first hand.  Inconsistency is the hobgoblin of out of shape people.  And guess what?   That described me to a 'T'.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day One. Chest and Back plus Ab Ripper X

So, I started P 90X today, first day of 90 to come. The workout was great.  I'll stopped working out partly due to a nasty shoulder sprain that turned into "frozen shoulder." So, the first day is in the books and I feel great about it. ABX was tough.  I know that time will change that. Heading off to down a recovery drink.

So I was thinking that the reason for the shoulder putting out of action sounds lame, in a way.  It was something that scared me like no other.

I found out I sprained the AC joint on my shoulder.  And by not using it, my shoulder literally froze up.  The range of motion just, well, it was NOT good at all.  My PT (she is incredible, btw) told me to talk to a orthopedic surgeon about my shoulder - and that I might have a torn rotator cuff.  And that would suck big time.

So off I went to a hospital in Boston and had my first MRI.  The next day, I met with the surgeon.  It went well until there were four doctors in the exam room and he brought up interesting here.  "Oh shit," I thought to myself.  "I have a tear, I HAVE A TEAR!"   But no.

Teres Minor Muscle
Turns out I had a tumor in my shoulder, I know.  It was in the teres minor in the shoulder, taking up a lot of the muscle.  Hmm.   The doctor told me that he was setting my up with a colleague and friend at Dana Farber for an biopsy.  So, I was headed to one of the foremost cancer centers in the world.  Holy crap.

Fast forward and the biopsy came back negative.  What I have is a lipoma in the muscle - very rare.  Lipomas are just fatty tumors.  Did you ever have a dog that had bumps under their fur?   They're lipomas.

So, after three months of PT, I received the green light to start lifting weights again and today was day one.