Friday, May 27, 2011

Stress Fracture to the Foot. Gah!

OK.  Ordered a walking boot for my foot.  And what is not so great is that its effectively put a stop to my HIIT - which I can take but need to figure out how best to get my heart rate up.  What is disappointing is that I was on a good run, then the move, now this.  So, for those interested:

A stress fracture is generally an overuse injury. It occurs when muscles become fatigued or overloaded and can not absorb the stress and shock and repeated impact. Fatigued muscles transfer that stress to the nearby bone and the result is a small crack or fracture, in the bone.

What Causes a Foot Stress Fracture

Stress fractures in the bones of the foot are usually caused by over training or overuse. They can also be caused by repeated pounding or impact on a hard surface, such as running of concrete. Increasing the time, type or intensity of exercise too rapidly is another cause of stress fractures to the feet, as is wearing improper footwear.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day Ten - Back and Chest and Ab Ripper X

Right.  Back at it.  The weekend move really messed with the schedule. And the fact that I knocked myself on my *&^ moving a ton of stuff.  Well, that is more a rationalization than anything. I have to say that I set the alarm two times for 4:30 AM and bagged it.  The bed is such a draw.  I used to pop out of bed and head down every single morning for nearly three years.  Three years.  What happened?

Funny how working out is after a while.  I can feel the change in two weeks - more energy by far.  I think too that I have been eating a lot better contributes to that.  The paleo diet is out there, I've been in and out in doing it completely, having difficulties with following it ..... hmmm.

So doing P90X again, man, I think its time to turn the sound off and plug in the iPod. This is the second time I did Ab Ripper X since I started again.  I forgot how I liked it, but didn't.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The truck. That was .... Interesting. I used to drive a truck like this one 6 hours a day. 25 years ago. It all came back.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Right. The workout last was a bust in that I tweaked my foot.   Stress fracture most likely.  It's not as bad as its been, and today I have to move into a new house.  But, what has happened is that I had two days in a row off - I know - and now its going on a third.  Sunday will be interesting.  So, no leg workouts for a bit.  Next week, I'm picking up a hard soled shoe.

Big day today!

What a day.  Moved a boat load of stuff.  More than that, really.  3/4 of a 27 foot Penske truck.  We made it to our home and that was it.  The move continues tomorrow.  I didn't have a weight resistance workout with dumbbells, but my oh my, did I get a work out in.   Time to eat dinner and hand with Mrs. ntckfit.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day Nine- Kettlebells and Interval Run

And its raining.  I'm sitting here on the couch and getting ready to change into my workout gear - nifty wicking shirt, compression things, sneaks, Saucony hat, oh, and shorts n socks. Gripping stuff, I know.  My dog is staring out the window waiting to be fed.  So, I decided to post prior to the work out - and here it is.  Man, this is a very gripping post.  Hmm 

I ate clean as a whistle today and drank a ton of water.  I'm on day for of an Advocare cleanse and it's working out.  I haven't noticed too much of a change.  But something is up.  More energy maybe?  Hmm.

Mrs. ntckfit (thanks Ryan) found the tickets to Elvis Costello - we're going to see him Friday in Boston.  She'd lost them in the cyber world of her online email accounts. But, alas, with guidance from afar - ticket agent - they were located. Yes.

Off to swing and run.

Right.  Starting over workout.  Gah.  Let's see, the intervals were great - 90% max for about 15 total mins. Then KB swings.  I went with the 30 lb KB.  Fine.  Out of shape.  Given.  Turkish Get Ups - used a boot for form for the first set then went to 15 lb KB.  I was running out the last interval and I tweaked my calve.  The one I tore about three years ago.   A strain and little pain.  Time to stretch.

Meal 1 - Advocare Meal Replacement Shake

Meal 2 - Two hard boiled eggs and almonds

Meal 3 - Grilled chicken and mesculan salad, walnuts, avocado, and blue cheese.

Meal 4 - Apple, hard boiled egg - a bit apart - and some almonds

Meal 5 - Avocado salad with shrimp, and some sort of sushi - haven't headed out to dinner yet.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dinner tonight. Chicken with salad. Yum.

Day Eight - Shoulders and Arms

It's 5:31 AM and I'm finished working out. Started at 4:30, completed shoulders and arms and 1/2 of ab routine. Weird thing is the body weight and fat.  Odd.  182.4  25%

Great day, eating wise.  I ended up eating chicken, a sweet potato, and asparagus for lunch.  Man.  That was good.  Anyway, the morning meal sucked.  Bagel and egg.  Well, not really, but I'm working on eliminating breads.   I actually thought of not taking a sweet and low with my ice coffee this morning, but my local server already made my regular.   The take on the Paleo diet is tre cool.  Good food - not processed crap.

I ended up reading a lot about strength conditioning - and this one blog called - cannot find the link.  Damn.  Well, I'll find it again. The site was put up by this fitness pursuant - nice - who had a plan for 2011.  He broke it into 90 day blocks.  Sounds good, as P90X is 90 days. Then he was going to go into Insanity for 60, then on to TRX and Kettlebells.  If I got that wrong, its close.

Anyway, so I was thinking, "Why not do that?"     So, that's what coming here.  I have to pick up the TRX gear.  I think during Insanity I work in resistance with the TRX.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Day Seven- Afternoon Run

Well, the alarm went off and it looked like it was pouring out, so I didn't go for run at 5:00 AM. It hadn't rained, so the run happens this afternoon after PT.
Sent from my iPhone.

Just in from the run - 25 mins. total time. HIIT.  Intervals of 1 min at 90% max. then a 30 sec rest, then again. Winded.  Good workout.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Shopping Day

Right. Went shopping with a list that I took from The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf.  What did I get, let's see: Strawberries, cantaloupe, avocados, bell peppers, steak tip meat, ground turkey, carrot sticks, onions, sweet potatoes, and baby spinach.   Here's a video about the diet.

With what I have in the fridge now, its looking good for a good week of eating.   I mentioned the Advocare cleanse in the post below.  A co-worker put me on to Advocare and it looks like a great product. I'm suspect of products that are out there, but in in a healthy way.  I've seen what P90X and Insanity did for me.  Now it's a "wait and see" with this upcoming Advocare cleanse.

Went to to a local diner for breakfast and logged into mobile.  The Fitday journal, logging into Beachbody for the workouts, and this blog all keep me honest.

I'm looking into TRX right now too. 

Time to cook some meat.


Day Six - Back and Chest

Right.  Day six of P90X.

Just finished the weight resistance part of this morning.  About to start Ab Ripper X.   Truth is that Im the edge of bagging ABX - but will not. 

This is the third time I've done the program.  But its starting all over again.  Current weight - 181.8 lbs. at 24% body fat. In a month or so, I'm going to work in some Insanity cardio workouts.  Both programs are Beachbody products.

This week I go shopping for food that follows the Primal Diet.  That should be interesting.  I'm going to fire up the account to log my food.   I know what I need to eat, when it comes to total calories and fat, protein, and carbs percentages.  So, after shopping, log it, I start an Advocare cleanse.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hola! No workout today

Hmm.  I got up early to go for an interval run, and holy crap, my glutimus maxius was .... well, the pain was there.  It was from the lunges yesterday.  So, I bagged the run.  The thing is that that sucks.  Well, maybe not "sucks" but I could have gone, maybe should have gone.   Chalk one up to getting back on the path, this day was a rut.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day Five - Legs and Back

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.  What happened to my blog - I put, what, three hours or so into the design, and "poof," it's gone!   Grr

Anyway, I got up at 4:30 AM this morning.  I know.  Holy crap!  But the leg and back workout was sweet - the legs still ache and its 12 hours later.  That says something,  More later

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day Four - Morning Run

Well, I got up and out for a run.  Now, it was the second run in seven months or so.  And it wasn't pretty.  Run. Walk. Run.  Walk.  You get the picture.  But I got out.  That's the thing.  Better one mile than none. 

I never thought that getting back would be like this, but what did I really expect?  Hmm.  The not so strange thing is that I feel good about getting back at it.  And what I know from past experience, when your diet is dialed in, the number of calories is spot on, your eating protein after working out, tons of water, and you mix up strength resistance and cardio (preferably high intensity interval training) your body slowly but surely begins to shed fat in layers. It's a matter of commitment.  And truth be told, I have a part of it going now, the workouts, but the diet, water, etc. have yet to be dialed in. 

So so far this week, four workouts in and the weeks not finished yet.   Off to close on a house.

Mill Pond, May 12
Reflections in the AM

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Not today

Southside Beach, Nantucket, MA

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day Three - Shoulders and Arms

Done.  Right, this is my favorite workout of this program.  Feel good.  I was going to workout yesterday in the am and the alarm didn't go off.  Hmm. Subconscious mind at work? Hmm.

I was reading about functional fitness.  Looks good.  The workouts that really workout your whole body are intense in a different way, rather than the isolated weight excercise workouts.  Like flipping a huge tire, or swinging a sledgehammer.  Crossfit takes functional fitness to a new level.  There's a new gym that opened up that is works this angle to.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day Two - Morning Run

Went out for a short run, interval style, and came back and jumped rope.  Have to say that I was sucking air big time.  Time will change that.

I keep in mind that I was worse off than I am now two years ago, when I started P90X for the first time.  But any way you slice it, getting back in shape is a bear.  Most likely its the start up that causes so many out of shape people to just bag it and grab a donut.   I know that first hand.  Inconsistency is the hobgoblin of out of shape people.  And guess what?   That described me to a 'T'.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day One. Chest and Back plus Ab Ripper X

So, I started P 90X today, first day of 90 to come. The workout was great.  I'll stopped working out partly due to a nasty shoulder sprain that turned into "frozen shoulder." So, the first day is in the books and I feel great about it. ABX was tough.  I know that time will change that. Heading off to down a recovery drink.

So I was thinking that the reason for the shoulder putting out of action sounds lame, in a way.  It was something that scared me like no other.

I found out I sprained the AC joint on my shoulder.  And by not using it, my shoulder literally froze up.  The range of motion just, well, it was NOT good at all.  My PT (she is incredible, btw) told me to talk to a orthopedic surgeon about my shoulder - and that I might have a torn rotator cuff.  And that would suck big time.

So off I went to a hospital in Boston and had my first MRI.  The next day, I met with the surgeon.  It went well until there were four doctors in the exam room and he brought up interesting here.  "Oh shit," I thought to myself.  "I have a tear, I HAVE A TEAR!"   But no.

Teres Minor Muscle
Turns out I had a tumor in my shoulder, I know.  It was in the teres minor in the shoulder, taking up a lot of the muscle.  Hmm.   The doctor told me that he was setting my up with a colleague and friend at Dana Farber for an biopsy.  So, I was headed to one of the foremost cancer centers in the world.  Holy crap.

Fast forward and the biopsy came back negative.  What I have is a lipoma in the muscle - very rare.  Lipomas are just fatty tumors.  Did you ever have a dog that had bumps under their fur?   They're lipomas.

So, after three months of PT, I received the green light to start lifting weights again and today was day one.