Showing posts with label eating clean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eating clean. Show all posts

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 15

Workout, 15th day.  Worked out legs and back.  Hollywood Physique. 

      Back squat (3×15)
  • Rope pull-down (6×6)
  • Lat pull-down(6×6)
  • Calf press in leg press machine (3×20)
  • Incline walk (1o minutes)
  • Wednesday, August 8, 2012

    Day 4

    Went out this morning at 730 for a quick ride.  The goal was High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and it worked. I rode 8 miles in 28 minutes with and average speed of 16.73.  Hammering for me. 

    Ok, I've decided to look at my weight once a week and not be focused on weight. Also, that the part about diet is essential. Man, it is too easy to screw that up.  So, smaller portions, more meals a day, and clean eating are the keys there. 

    Today:  Eat clean, work at the new job for a bit, and hang with Mrs. Ntckfit.


    Tuesday, August 7, 2012

    Day 3

    Ok.  It's three days in and I'm feeling good.  Just got back from a 6 mile mountain bike ride with my bud in a place called "Vietnam".  No, not the country, but a parcel of land that was purchased exclusively for mountain biking.  And truth be told, it's one of the best places on the east coast to ride.  Very technical in parts, while in other parts, it's rolling trails. Good fun. Sweet workout.

    photo.JPG  photo.JPG

    This morning I did Chest and Back from P90X and that was interesting (for me).  The amount of strength I've lost is considerable.   As it should be because I've done squat for so long.  So be it.  Thing is if feel good, and that's the ticket. 

    So I sit here and think that my birthday is coming up.  50  I wonder if I've done enough to be healthy.  Hmm.  Makes me think.  Truth is, its been a on and off eating well (clean) and working out for ages.  I worked out for two years straight and changed my body.  Big time.  But it all fell apart right around when I was dealing with my dad dying.   I lost the focus I had.

    I hope that someone who reads this can identify with the struggle.  Fitness is a path.  Sometimes your find yourself on it and rock solid, other times you fallen in the rut on the side of the path.  Right now, I feel like I'm in the middle, maybe with some rocks that I can plow over on my mountain bike. 
