Showing posts with label health workouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health workouts. Show all posts

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 15

Workout, 15th day.  Worked out legs and back.  Hollywood Physique. 

      Back squat (3×15)
  • Rope pull-down (6×6)
  • Lat pull-down(6×6)
  • Calf press in leg press machine (3×20)
  • Incline walk (1o minutes)
  • Day 14

    Mountain Biking.  3.98 miles in Vietnam with Jeff.   We met a 6:00 AM, Jeff had obligations of the family nature that had to be attended to.  So, off we went and it was great morning for a ride.  Twenty five minutes in, one of the screws that holds onto a cleat on the bottom of my shoe let go.  The clear snaps into a peddle.  So, I'm screwed because I can't get out of the peddle on the right side.  So, we had to take it easy and do a small loop with no nasty things I'd have to bail on if need be. 

    Good ride."     Great video from Vietnam. 

    Props to CaptnExtreme for the vid.

      Props to and Ryan Kirk.