Showing posts with label Running. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Running. Show all posts

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 14

Mountain Biking.  3.98 miles in Vietnam with Jeff.   We met a 6:00 AM, Jeff had obligations of the family nature that had to be attended to.  So, off we went and it was great morning for a ride.  Twenty five minutes in, one of the screws that holds onto a cleat on the bottom of my shoe let go.  The clear snaps into a peddle.  So, I'm screwed because I can't get out of the peddle on the right side.  So, we had to take it easy and do a small loop with no nasty things I'd have to bail on if need be. 

Good ride."     Great video from Vietnam. 

Props to CaptnExtreme for the vid.

  Props to and Ryan Kirk.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 6

Got up, dressed, grabbed the dog and went for a walk for 27 minutes,  Now, who said a good walk wasn't part of this plan?  I hadn't done that in a long time, just got up in the morning and gone for a walk with the dog.  I think that will change in the future.  There are two programs out there that insist that walking is integral to the program - one is the incline walk and the other is a 4 mph walk, but nonetheless, it's walking.

I will continue to bike (mountain and road), walk, and swim.   I too will be starting the rehab protocol for my foot - it is susceptible to stress fractures.  And that is something that I WILL NOT DO TO MYSELF AGAIN!  Stress fractures suck. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Day One

I've decided to post what I'm doing to get healthy and to be consistent about it.  I look at the heading of the blog and feel that its as true today as it was when I wrote it: diet, working out, consistency, and determination.  The reality is that I have allowed other things to get in front of what is important - my health.  And that is not the way I want to live.  The fact that I've lived in a state of stress for too long (long story) has something to do with the falling off the cliff of fitness.  But that, in a way, is an excuse. So be it, I'm on the path again and feel good about it. 

I went for another mountain bike ride today.  33 minutes in the heat and humidity - nice workout.   Mrs. Ntckfit wants to do laps in the local pond here later.  Sounds good. 


Today: 181.6 BF%:   24 43.58 lbs. fat
Goal:   167.0 BF%:   18 30.06 lbs. fat

Goal calorie intake: 2400
Goal water intake: 72 ozs.
Goal Calorie Deficit: 500 - 600

This is the plan for the remainder of the year:

Cycle One: (3 Months)

P90X  -      Weight Resistance: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
                   Cardio (HIIT, mountain and road biking, swimming laps, chasing Mrs. Ntckfit) Tuesday,
                   Thursday, and Saturday  (Not doing the program's cardio bits)

Cycle Two: (2 Months)

P90X/Insanity Hybrid       Cardio and Weight Resistance as Above

Cycle Three: (2 Months)  Cardio and Weight Resistance as Above

Kettle Bells, TRX, WODs, Tabata fun

One of the things that I have in the quiver of programs is the Hollywood Physique.  It's a program that focuses on developing specific muscles that create the definitive Hollywood body - think Brad Pitt in Fight Club.  Now, I like the program for its focus on the creating of the body type, yes I'm vain, but the diet is wacked.  Eggs and more eggs ..... then more eggs.   I can appreciate that the protein is natural, that the focus on fats (animals?) is what they are after too .... but the diet is not for me.  I'll take parts of it and run with the things that I find helpful.  I like one of the things that they focus: slowing down and focusing on every single rep to the point you are totally wiped out at the end of the workout.

Ok, enough said for today.