Showing posts with label Saucony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saucony. Show all posts

Sunday, April 8, 2012

P90X and Ab Ripper X

Finished another day one.  Funny thing about this path I've found myself on - I have the knowledge of how to get in friggin good shape but choose not to. And I have to ask myself, why?  It's to do with laziness, for sure.  Its also due to the patters I fell into.  The fricken broken foot for three months derailed me. Then there's all this work shixnit.

Im sick of the frickin reasons.  Im sick of the excuses.  I tired of feeling like crap because of the way I ate, slept, or  - you name it.

It's spring time now and I'm ready to restart

I'm working on my foot through a protocol established by a sports medicine podiatrist out of Brown University - with the hope that the fricken foot will heal in total.  Intervals are NOT going to be running anymore; I foresee road bike work.  The mountain bike season is here.  I live 5 minutes away from some of the best trails on the east coast.

It's time.

Im in with both feet.  

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day Nine- Kettlebells and Interval Run

And its raining.  I'm sitting here on the couch and getting ready to change into my workout gear - nifty wicking shirt, compression things, sneaks, Saucony hat, oh, and shorts n socks. Gripping stuff, I know.  My dog is staring out the window waiting to be fed.  So, I decided to post prior to the work out - and here it is.  Man, this is a very gripping post.  Hmm 

I ate clean as a whistle today and drank a ton of water.  I'm on day for of an Advocare cleanse and it's working out.  I haven't noticed too much of a change.  But something is up.  More energy maybe?  Hmm.

Mrs. ntckfit (thanks Ryan) found the tickets to Elvis Costello - we're going to see him Friday in Boston.  She'd lost them in the cyber world of her online email accounts. But, alas, with guidance from afar - ticket agent - they were located. Yes.

Off to swing and run.

Right.  Starting over workout.  Gah.  Let's see, the intervals were great - 90% max for about 15 total mins. Then KB swings.  I went with the 30 lb KB.  Fine.  Out of shape.  Given.  Turkish Get Ups - used a boot for form for the first set then went to 15 lb KB.  I was running out the last interval and I tweaked my calve.  The one I tore about three years ago.   A strain and little pain.  Time to stretch.

Meal 1 - Advocare Meal Replacement Shake

Meal 2 - Two hard boiled eggs and almonds

Meal 3 - Grilled chicken and mesculan salad, walnuts, avocado, and blue cheese.

Meal 4 - Apple, hard boiled egg - a bit apart - and some almonds

Meal 5 - Avocado salad with shrimp, and some sort of sushi - haven't headed out to dinner yet.