Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day Eight - Shoulders and Arms

It's 5:31 AM and I'm finished working out. Started at 4:30, completed shoulders and arms and 1/2 of ab routine. Weird thing is the body weight and fat.  Odd.  182.4  25%

Great day, eating wise.  I ended up eating chicken, a sweet potato, and asparagus for lunch.  Man.  That was good.  Anyway, the morning meal sucked.  Bagel and egg.  Well, not really, but I'm working on eliminating breads.   I actually thought of not taking a sweet and low with my ice coffee this morning, but my local server already made my regular.   The take on the Paleo diet is tre cool.  Good food - not processed crap.

I ended up reading a lot about strength conditioning - and this one blog called - cannot find the link.  Damn.  Well, I'll find it again. The site was put up by this fitness pursuant - nice - who had a plan for 2011.  He broke it into 90 day blocks.  Sounds good, as P90X is 90 days. Then he was going to go into Insanity for 60, then on to TRX and Kettlebells.  If I got that wrong, its close.

Anyway, so I was thinking, "Why not do that?"     So, that's what coming here.  I have to pick up the TRX gear.  I think during Insanity I work in resistance with the TRX.



  1. Great Blog! Best of luck to you as you convert your diet to Paleo. It is no easy feat cutting out some of those "bread" carbs!!

  2. Thanks. The paleo diet is tough.

  3. to follow through on for a newbie
